100% Ticino - Video 038 By Sara | La 4 TicinoWebTV - la nostra televisione è la vostra televisione - dal Ticino fino al Mondo

Morcote: from the lake to the church in 404 steps ------------------- First, a swim at the tip of the most beautiful peninsula of Switzerland - just wonderful. Then climb the historic steps for a magnificent view: the effort is worth it! We will publis...

100%, ticino, video, 038, by, sara

100% Ticino - Video 038 By Sara

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Pubblicato da: Marco | Data: 17/07/2018 | Visualizzazioni: 150

Morcote: from the lake to the church in 404 steps ------------------- First, a swim at the tip of the most beautiful peninsula of Switzerland - just wonderful. Then climb the historic steps for a magnificent view: the effort is worth it! We will publish 100 videos in 100 days, filmed by locals, tourists or even you – if you wish to participate in the challenge! Apply on https://ticino.ch/100x100

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100% Ticino
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Tag: 100% | ticino | video | 038 | by | sara |