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Cutismea is a story that sees the artist Roberta Morzetti as protagonist of herself and her art. A short film with a deep value, an hymn to femininity and an absolute cry for a newfound breath.I have always thought that the skin was the deepest organ. ...
con:Camila Koller Thania Micheli Flavio Sala Giordano Ferrari Diretto da:Alessio Di Naro DOP: Amanda Caprara Suono: Marco Monti Montaggio: Gianfranco Bastianelli Musica: Marco Monti Andrea Ragusa Color: Alessio Di Naro Amanda Caprara Costumi: Michela S...
Truly appreciating Malta’s rich history requires a view from above. This archipelago in the central Mediterranean is dotted with castles, temples, and other dramatic architecture dating back almost 6000 years. These structures contrast with striking co...
Dopo innumerevoli pattuglie all'alba, sieste e strade sterrate, il creatore di DJI Jamie Hancock e il Team O'Neill Europe si sono riuniti per condividere alcune onde divertenti attraverso la costa meridionale e occidentale del Portogallo. Filmato uti...
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